To place ads contact:
Val Mijailovic
email: & (please include both emails).
Office: (818)-426-0225
MASTERS™ Magazine 11048 Randall St. Sun Valley, CA 91352
NOTE: Masters Magazine is published via AMAZON Print on Demand (PAPER) and All Digital Formats.
Also available on Digital CD/DVD "Collector's Edition Sets"
Full Page $500 (8 X 10)
1/2 Page $250 (4 X 5)
File Format:
We accept Adobe Photoshop files & Adobe Acrobat PDF.
Files may be emailed to or supplied on USB drive & CD/DVD, DropBox,, Google drive...
Masters Magazine Release Date Schedule
Spring Issue January 15th
Summer Issue April 15th
Fall Issue July 15th
Winter Issue October 15th
(All Ads due 5 weeks prior to release dates.)
Preferred payments via PayPal (Credit Cards)
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Follow the rest of the instructions.
Payment via Check:
Check made out to:
Empire Media
11048 Randall St,
Sun Valley CA 91352
Thank you for contacting us, here are a few details on article requirements:
IMPORTANT: The article need to be Original and NOT Published anywhere in the past.
We print paper magazines on Amazon POD, they use AI search to find copied web content.
Please do not copy and paste anything from anywhere, quotation paragraphs are not allowed.
Every article should have a title and a sub-title.
- Example: Karate “The Way” (main title)
- Lifetime with Master (Name) (sub-title)
(Please refrain from using words such as "The Best Martial Art", “World’s Best”… etc.
3.Underneath the Sub-title please include Written by (authors name)
Article should include: Opening paragraph of Sensei/Sifu (Who is Sensei/Sifu...) followed by Story (Autobiography / Biography…) or Q/A (Questions and Answers) format. (Feel free to ask your own questions, we found that the stories are much better when masters create their own questions).
1. Article written in Microsoft Word (with referenced pictures) 1.800 to 2,500 words.
2. Pictures: 10 to 15 (.jpeg) best quality possible. Sent separately from the Word Document. (Please name the pictures as referenced in the Word article)
3. OPTIONAL: 10 to 20 minute video of Sensei/Sifu teaching a class or teaching few of their favorite techniques. Something that our readers can learn. It could be basics or advanced principals. Normally 3 to 5 segments not to exceed total of 20 minutes.
At the front of the video please include a Sifu's name and title. At the End of the video please include Sensei/Sifu's name, title and contact information. If you can not create titles, we can insert them for you.
This video segment will be a part of our FRAMES DVD/Video that comes with the magazine.
4. We would like to obtain written permission form you that we have your permission to publish your article and likeness. This can be included at the bottom of your article or sent to us via email.
Sending Options: - - US Post (USB External Drive comparable with Mac & PC)
Send to:
Electronic: & (Please include both emails)
(If the files are to large for the email then you can use use DropBox or
Shipping option: MASTERS Magazine 11048 Randall St. Sun Valley CA 91352 USA
Looking forward to receiving your article, please contact me if you have any questions.
Best regards, Val Mijailovic (818) 426-0225
MASTERS Magazine Article Questions (SAMPLE)
The article need to be Original and NOT Published anywhere in the past.
We print paper magazines on Amazon POD, they use AI search to find copied web content. Please do not copy and paste anything from anywhere, quotation paragraphs are not allowed.
The article should be written in Microsoft WORD.
1,800 (minimum) to 2,500 (maximum) words.
Please include 10 to 12 pictures (.jepg)
Recommended Article topics
Begin with Short Bio that includes: Name, rank, organization, titles, awards, current status…
Followed by the story: When and why you started martial arts, your first teacher/teachers, first impression of the art and your experiences during early days, how has the art changed since your early days, your achievements, your philosophy of training and how it relates to life outside of training, how do you see your art in the future, what advice would you like to give to the future practitioners…
Q/A Format Sample Questions
(Please include short Bio when using Q/A format)
(Feel free to add/change questions in order to tell your story)
Q: When and why did you begin training in Martial Arts?
A: Example: I started training Martial Arts in the early 70's with Sensei/Sifu...
Q: Who were your first teacher/teachers?
Q: How was the training different from now when you started, if different?
Q: Any special memories of the early days?
Q: Any classmates that are still training? If yes tell us about your lifetime relationship.
Q: What do you consider your greatest achievement in Martial Arts?
Q: What do you consider your greatest achievement outside of Martial Arts?
Q: What is your idea of happiness?
Q: What talent would you most like to have?
Q: What do you dislike the most?
Q: What martial art historical figure do you most identify with?
Q: What is your favorite journey?
Q: What is your greatest regret?
Q: What or who is the greatest love of your life?
Q: What quality do you like most in people?
Q: What is your favorite past time?
Q: What is your greatest lesson in life?
Q: How would you like to be remembered?
Send via email to: & (Please send to both emails)
Masters Magazine
11048 Randall St. Sun Valley CA 91352