OKINAWAN KARATE (8 Vol Set) By Hanshi Eihachi Ota
8 Volume DVD Set 30% OFF Special
OKINAWAN KARATE (Volumes 1–5 Set)
By Master Eihachi Ota
Shorin Ryu is one of the world's major Karate styles. Created and developed by Okinawan masters, this style mixes the traditions and experiences of the ancient art with a modern approach to self-defense. In this work, Master Ota shows key traditional kata and basic bunkai. Some of the traditional Shorin Ryu forms have never been analyzed this way before. This DVD series is more than a how-to manual; it explores the history and philosophy behind this dynamic and practical method of karate-do. Containing basic applications for all the forms of the Shorin Ryu system, this series will be a valuable reference for anyone seeking to learn and understand not only the principles and techniques of Shorin Ryu, but also the cultural essence of Okinawan Karate.
By Hanshi Eihachi Ota
It was in Naha City, the capital of Okinawa, after gaining recognition as one of the strongest in his high school’s karate club, Mr.Ota was invited to join Sensei Shima’s private dojo and Sensei’s Nagamine dojo. Hanshi Ota is an expert in empty handed Karate as well as all the traditional Okinawan weapons of self-defense, which at one time were used in the fishing and farming villages: Bo, Sai, Tonfa and Kama. Ota believes that Kobudo, the study of weapons, is an integral part of karate training, and he encourages students to practice the various weapons. Ota says that weapons training presents an opportunity for students from different styles to train together because the techniques needed for weapons are the same, regardless of stylistic variations or a student’s background. Perhaps even more than his lightning speed or the forcefulness of his techniques, what differentiates Ota from all other sensei is his mastery of distance.
By Hanshi Eihachi Ota
Rōhai (鷺牌) meaning “vision of a white heron” or “vision of a white crane” is a family of kata practiced in some styles of karate. The kata originated from the Tomari-te school of Okinawan martial arts. It was called Matsumora Rōhai, after Kosaku Matsumora, who was presumably its inventor (not to be confused with Sokon Matsumura). Ankō Itosu later took this kata and developed three kata from it: Rōhai shodan, Rōhai nidan, and Rōhai sandan. In Shorin-ryū and Matsubayashi-ryū this kata introduces Gedan Shotei Ate (Lower/Downward Palm Heel Smash) and Ippon Ashi Dachi. (One Leg Stance) It contains a sequence of Tomoe Zuki (Circular Punch) exactly the same as the one in Bassai, although the ending of the sequence chains into Hangetsu Geri/Uke (Half Moon Kick/Block).
Wankan (pronounced Ohkan) (王冠) (Japanese: "King's Crown" or "Emperor's Crown") is a kata practiced in many styles of Karate. Not much is known about the history of this kata. It originates from the Tomari-te school and in modern karate is practiced in Shorin-ryu, Shito-ryu, Shotokan, Genseiryu and Matsubayashi-ryu. It is often considered an advanced kata, despite its brevity. Karate master Shoshin Nagamine considered wankan to be his favorite kata. A quote from his book describes the kata as "Being characterized by unitary sequences of attack and defense".
Supporting Katas: FUKYUGATA ITCHI & ANANKU - These two katas should be trained as preparation for Rohai and Wankan/Ohkan
Fukyugata Itchi is the name of kata practiced in many styles of Okinawan karate, particularly Matsubayashi-ryu. There are two Fukyugata. Shoshin Nagamine (Matsubayashi-ryu) created Fukyugata Ichi and Chojun Miyagi (Goju-ryu) created Fukyugata Ni, or Gekisai Ichi. They were developed as beginner kata because the more traditional kata were too difficult for beginners.
Ananku (安南空) is a kata from Okinawan karate. Its history in Okinawan martial arts is relatively short in comparison to other kata as it was composed by Chotoku Kyan. Its meaning is "Light from the South" or "Peace from the South", as it is thought to originate when Kyan returned from a trip to Taiwan.
What makes this kata special is its techniques of offense and defense while in zenkutsu dachi and Naname Zenkutsu Dachi (otherwise known as front leg bent stance or bow stance and Slanted Front Stance, Ryo-hanchin dachi in Okinawan) This kata also introduces the aforementioned Naname Zenkutsu Dachi in Shōrin-ryū and Matsubayashi-ryū. It is also the first Shōrin/Matsubayashi-ryū kata to start with a centered movement blocking to both sides of the body.
Item: em3-314-3 ISBN: 0964536339354 TRT: 52 minutes
Simplicity in Understanding
KOSHI Seminar
Sponsored by Sensei Eihachi Ota
Guest Instructors from Okinawa - SenseiKazuo Tajima & Sensei Noriaki Ikehara
Sensei Ota is the highest ranking Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu practitioner outside of Okinawa. Sensei Ota started his training in Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu in high school with a close friend of his, he was invited by his friend to train at his school under Sensei Shima Masao and trained at the hombu dojo on weekends under O'Sensei Nagamine. Sensei Shima was one of the most important students of O’Sensei Nagamine. Sensei Ota was known to train 365 days a year, often three times a day, it did not matter what the weather was like he never stoped training.
Guest Instructors from Okinawa: Sensei Kazuo Tajima, 8th Dan, Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu & Kishaba Juku. Sensei Tajima is the highest senior student at Kishaba Juku under sensei Katsuhiko Shinzato. Sensei Tajima started karate when he was in high school, he was classmates with son of the founder of Matsubayashi Ryu, Takayoshi Nagmine. Sensei Tajima joined the Hombu Dojo because of Sensei Takayoshi. Sensei Tajima has also trained in Tomari Te from Sensei Seiyu Nakasone, a well known master in Okinawa. At O’Sensei Nagamine school Sensei Tajima trained under the master and Sensei Nakamura, Sensei Ahagon, Sensei Makishi & Kishaba, these are all well known top students at O’Sensei Nagamine’s Dojo. Sensei Tajima has been teaching at the American Army base in Okinawa for many years. Sensei Tajima is known for his power and hip development that generate tremendous power.
Sensei Noriaki Ikehara, A student of Kensei Taba, Sensei Taba was one of the top senior students of O'Sensei Nagamine and former World Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu President.